General conditions
All reservations agreed with Restaurant Vlonders are subject to the Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH). These have been established by Koninklijke Horeca Nederland and regulate the rights and obligations of both contract partners, i.e. both the restaurant and the guest.
Article 9.4 of the UVH contains the following cancellation provisions:
Once a reservation has been made, we reserve the right to invoke the following upon cancellation of that reservation.
9.4.2 If a reservation is made for a group* then the following applies to cancellation of that reservation.
- In case of Cancellation more than 6 months before the time when under the terms of the relevant Catering Agreement the first Catering Service should be provided, the Customer is not obliged to pay any compensation to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 3 months before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 10% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 2 months before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 15% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 1 month before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 35% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 14 days before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 60% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 7 days before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 85% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation 7 days or less before intended time, the Customer is obliged to pay 100% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
9.4.3 When a reservation is made for one or more individuals* the following applies to cancellation of that reservation.
- In case of Cancellation more than 1 month before the time when under the relevant Catering Agreement the first Catering Service should be provided, the Customer is not obliged to pay any compensation to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 14 days before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 15% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 7 days before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 35% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 3 days before said time, the Customer is obliged to pay 60% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation more than 24 hours before intended time, the Customer is obliged to pay 85% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
- In case of Cancellation 24 hours or less before intended time, the Customer is obliged to pay100% of the Reservation Value to the Catering Establishment.
1.15 *Group
A group of 10 or more persons to whom one or more hospitality services are to be provided by a hospitality establishment pursuant to one or more hospitality agreements to be considered connected.
1.16 *Individual
Any person who does not belong to a group according to the above definition.